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Nice, interesting concept with a good feeling of progression. A few suggestions:

the dungeon screen doesn't update with how many enemies you've defeated unless you turn on or off autofight. Along with introducing exploits that are very easy to pull off accidentally, this generates a lot of confusion early into the game and makes it harder to gauge progress. It should instead update whenever an enemy is killed.

waiting is a core component of idle games, but you could double or triple the speed of encounters without losing anything important. You're still dealing with thousands of encounters. I'd recommend decreasing the delay between gaining currentSpeed for both you and the enemy.

I'm coming at this from the perspective of a big fan of games like The Prestige Tree. On that note, I really appreciate the "calculation" section of the stat descriptions. I gave this 4 stars, but I couldn't copypaste this critique from notepad to the rating section, so I put it here.


Is there a tutorial? I'm having some trouble figuring this out and I can't even beat the flying eye. I feel like I'm missing something that I'm supposed to do and I can't really read stats that well (cuz mostly I don't know what it means for the game) 

It's definitely a skill issue on my side, I just often follow all tutorials I can get because it helps me figure out the game. 

Yea there isnt a tutorial. But its simple: You gain the powers of the enemies you kill.

The problem is, I keep attacking the enemies that say '0/1' as they seeeeeem to be the first levels to get through? Like, I keep trying to attack the weakest enemies I can find, but I keep dying super easily and it seems even the weakest enemies is like a hundred times stronger than me. That's why I think I'm missing something or doing something wrong. 

well i sugest that you kill like a hundred bats and blue slimes before killing anybody else. also the easiest enemies are the first the more down you go the more difficoult they become. 

Ahhh.... I was going in the wrong direction LOL. I was going from down to up, not from up to down. Thank you! 

(1 edit) (+2)

somehow managed to accidentally kill 202 bats. eh. fun game btw!

don't ask me how. i don't remember. it happened like 2 hours ago.

this happen because the dungeon screen don't update automatically and you can reenter a full killed mob or boss,  don't know if as a update in the game or some code started work form nothing but now my game is updating the dungeon screen on real time

Hmmm did it Still Happen?

dont change it it doesnt affect all enemies (boses are not all affected) and it take doing it manually each time so I think it can be something for those who search for it

Its a Error with the Overkill (getting more enemies at once, Prestige 7) its fixed in my Beta Version but currently Not published.


very fun and unique game, im currently at 45 points. It would be nice though of there was more content because ive developed a 15 minute strat using instakill

I got a question i don't know the answer to, whats the difference between a soft and hard reset?

Hard reset often means resetting the whole thing; to a blank slate while a soft reset may be something like a rebirth where it makes getting to a certain point easier or lets you upgrade certain things permanantly.

that's what I thought but I was meaning the specifics, like does it reset the kills, or my stats.

both reset both in different ways; A hard reset (as mentioned before) essentially deletes all saved data, while a soft reset will maintain the previous data to make the game easier to progress, so in a sense it remeves the ammount of kills and stats in exchange for this or that to help the player progress faster, while maintining the "lifetime" ammount of each data set.

They are only to use if you stuck. Hardreset resets *everything*. Soft reset resets the current run. (the dialog window should tell the same)

(2 edits)

i feel like less speed is better, and the turtle makes you attack faster

edit:its true i got 2115 speed and boar has 2500 and i attack faster

edit2: same with the bats 1000 speed it attacks faster

Yea i know, it's more like delay than speed.

that's what i thought but turtles'-speed adds to the stat and +speed subtracts so turtles increase cooldown not decrease it

Haha it is the DELAY 2000 means you need 2 seconds to attack while 100 means 100ms. So lower is better


This is a very good game. I have no issues with this, but I think that more difficulty modes would make this game even more enjoyable


unique idea, cool game, but needs some bug squashing. I've grinded hyrdra & vampire to make the game easy simply by not using auto battle. Other than that, I like it!

i think a workaround to this is to allow fighting past the limit, but with a large difficulty increase per enemy

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